How to correct door trim with unlevel wallboard?
Our first step is to always assess the door. Was it installed level and plum? Are there gaps with airflow? Does the door operate properly without sticking or rubbing? In some cases the door may need to be rehung. If this is truly a cosmetic fix, try the following:

1. Use utility knife to carefully cut caulking at molding and doorframe
2. Remove trim where needed to correct wallboard
3. Scrape and sand exposed frame to prepare the surface for painting and a better finish
4. Peel-back wallboard paper and adjust wallboard flush to doorframe
5. Fill all nail holes. I like using DAP DryDex
6. Sand as needed
7. Re-caulk and smooth with wet cloth or sponge. I like using Alex Latex from Dap. It is easy to work with a wet finger for good results.
8. If the door trim was cut too short the best solution it Is to cut a new piece to fit.
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Working within a home sometimes the resident still needs to live within the space. Piano lessons had to be taught so we made sure to accommodate the family accordingly.
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